2.1 Metadata

The scan metadata file document.txt can be quickly parsed using itraxR::itrax_meta(). The output is a dataframe from which the individual components can be easily accessed through subsetting functions; for example as.numeric(itrax_meta()[6:7, 2]) would return a numeric vector of the start and end position of a scan.

##                   Parameter       Value       Unit
## 1               Sample name CD166_19_S1        str
## 2              Section name CD166_19_S1        str
## 3           Aquisition date   22/9/2020 dd/mm/yyyy
## 4             Operator name          MC        str
## 5                      Tube          Mo    element
## 6          Start coordinate        31.5         mm
## 7           Stop coordinate      1314.1         mm
## 8                 Step size        1000    microns
## 9             Optical Start         0.5         mm
## 10              Optical End      1401.3         mm
## 11        Optical step size       0.188         mm
## 12             Rad. voltage          55         kV
## 13             Rad. current          50         mA
## 14            Rad. exposure           0         ms
## 15 line camera signal level      323154   at 25 ms
## 16                      XRF          ON     ON/OFF
## 17              XRF voltage          30         kV
## 18              XRF current          30         mA
## 19            XRF exp. time          15    seconds
## 20        Start temperature                  \xb0C
## 21         Stop temperature                  \xb0C
## 22           Start humidity                      %
## 23            Stop humidity                      %
## 24             Start vacuum       -95.0        kPa
## 25              Stop vacuum       -94.8        kPa